Read-A-Thon 2024

"spring into reading" graphicWhat is the Read-A-Thon?

The Read-A-Thon is our annual program sponsored by the CPES PTA. We want to encourage all our children to read more and fall in love with reading.

When is the Read-A-Thon?

March 1-17, 2024


Announcing results from Read-A-Thon 2024!

  • We raised over $7,000 and over 104,000 minutes were read! Awesome job!
  • Top readers were: Felix Born, Madison Wachtel, Savannah Noel, George Hall, Connor Trubisz, Leighton Standiford, Devin Suthrave, Christian Echivarrio, Sofia Spencer, Henry Hall, Calla Standiford, Dylan Nowaczyk, Bejamin Ward, Ashley Grimm, and Maddy Kristic.

How does it work?

From March 1-17, 2024:

  • Students read and keep track of their minutes on the included Reading Log, (and yes, reading with/to your children counts).
  • Students, with an adult’s help, should look for sponsors to pledge a set amount per minute/day, or a flat amount.
  • Adults should encourage children to read more. (You can keep doing this even after Read-A-Thon is over!)

From March 18-22, 2024:

  • Students collect pledges and complete their Reading Logs
  • Students return their Read-A-Thon packets (envelope, reading log, pledges) to their teacher
    • Cash or Check Pledges or Donations may be sent to school in the Reading Log envelope; or
    • Pledges may be paid by credit card using this Read-A-Thon form. Don't forget to send in those Reading Logs.

Donate to Read-A-Thon 

Are there Rewards? You Bet!

  • Every student who submits a reading log (including those without pledges) will receive at least $5 in Book Bucks to spend at the Spring Book Fair
  • Prizes for the classes and students who read the most minutes:
    • Top individual readers, by grade, will receive a special movie night. 

    • Top readers in grades K-3 have a chance to win a Max Meow backpack, or stuffie.  Students in grades 4-6 have a chance to win a signed drawing from Jon Gallagher, author of Max Meow.

    • The class that reads the most minutes will receive a special recess. 

Since this is a fundraiser, where does the money go?

  • 100% of funds raised go back into our school!
  • Author visits
  • Books and other technology for the library and classrooms
  • Other ways the PTA supports the school, including field trips and teacher appreciation


We’re certain that with your help, this will be the most successful Read-A-Thon yet!  Please contact with questions.


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