Cunningham Park ES PTA Minutes
March 12, 2019
The meeting was called to order at 7:05pm by Tracy McCarty, President. 29 people were in attendance.
Motion to approve the February 2019 Minutes by Gina Myers and second by Jerry Alexandratos.
Tracy announced the Nominating Committee of Cathy Carlin, Stacey Leimbach and Taylor Ritter. They will be working to solicit nominations for next year’s PTA Board.
Committee Updates:
- Silent Auction - Gina Myers mentioned that Regan Marshall put together an amazing Google Doc to organize who is asking which vendors for donations and Stephanie Paduano put together a great donation letter. Please check both out and put the donation letter in your purse/pocket and pass them out as you are out and about in Vienna. We are looking for donations large and small. Amy Killoran is working with teachers on teacher time donations. Regan Marshall and Nicole McGarrigal are organizing grade level baskets from the room parents. Please reach out to Gina with any questions.
Principal Comments – Katie Le invited everyone to International Game Night on March 28 from 6-7pm. Pizza, fruit and water will be provided. Jon Kemmerer shared that there will be a special visitor on Friday, March 15th, Dr. Braband, FCPS Superintendent. Also, April 1 is spring picture day and volunteers are needed.
Teacher Representative Comments - Susan Hass thanked the PTA for the Supply Bar – it was great because this is the time of year when teachers need supplies. And thank you for the Panera lunch for yesterday during the early dismissal. It provided an opportunity for comradery before the teachers got down to business in the afternoon. Amy Killoran thanked the teachers for donating their time for Dr. Seuss night. Tracy shared that Panera graciously donated a huge spread, including 100 sandwiches, salads, chips, tea, etc. Panera is starting a delivery program and a flyer will go out in the Friday Folders. It is great that Panera was willing to support the school and teachers.
Bullying Presentation – Alicia Clarke from FCPS Student Safety & Wellness delivered a bullying presentation. Bullying is the intent to cause harm, is a power imbalance and is repeated over time. Parents can prevent bullying by keeping the lines of communication open, encouraging kids to do what they love which fosters pro-social engagement, and model kindness, respect and healthy conflict resolution. Parents can respond to bullying by knowing the warning signs, responding to cyberbullying, communicating with school administrators, and reaching out to other supports as needed.
Announcements –
Bus 467 will start running April 1. There will be activities to celebrate, including a ribbon cutting ceremony on April 4 at the Vienna Community Center. Middle and High School students can get free bus passes.
Child Care & Dinner – Thank you to Girl Scout Troop 2206 and Mrs. Markley for providing childcare and to Vienna Baptist Church of Vienna for providing dinner to our children this evening.
PTA Dues – NOTICE: National PTA will be voting on a membership dues increase during the summer of 2019 from $2.25 per member to $3.75 per member. National PTA dues are remitted on a member-by-member basis to National PTA via Virginia PTA by CPES PTA each fall. As a result, CPES PTA will be voting on 2019/2020 dues increase commensurate to the National PTA increase at our May 14, 2019 PTA meeting.
Nominating Committee – If you are interested in serving on the 2019/2020 CPES PTA Board, or volunteering to lead or serve on a committee, please reach out to Tracy McCarty at and any member of the Nominating Committee.
- Cathy Carlin –
- Stacey Leimbach –
- Taylor Ritter –
A candidate slate will be presented at the April 9, 2019 PTA meeting and voted on at the May 14, 2019 PTA meeting.
Love Lines – CPES parents can purchase “Love Lines”, a brief note (25 words or less) of encouragement, praise or congratulations to their student that will appear in the yearbook. To purchase a “Love Line” for your student(s) for $5, please go to All “Love Lines” must be purchased by this Monday, March 18th.
Rising Kindergarteners – If you know anyone who has a rising kindergartener, please encourage them to attend Kindergarten Orientation on Friday, April 5th at 10:00am, to like the PTA Facebook Page and to join the CPES Class of 2033 Facebook Group. If you haven’t joined the Group for your child’s grade, please do! See Tracy or Stephanie for more info on how to join.
Upcoming Events –
- March 14th: PTA Parent Coffee
- March 15th: Read-A-Thon reading logs and pledges due
- March 20th: Faculty basketball game against VES at Madison High School – Doors open at 6:00pm, tip-off at 7:00pm
- April 5th: Student Holiday
- April 9th: PTA meeting – Mental Health and Anxiety in Kids – Kasey Cain, FCPS School Counseling Services
- April 10th: Dining for Dollars to celebrate the silent auction at MOD Pizza
- April 11th: PTA Parent Coffee with featured speaker Lisa Lujan, CPES School Counselor, discussing trauma and its impact on children
- April 15th – 19th: Spring Break
Check us out on: Website: Facebook: Please contact Tracy ( if you are interested in volunteering for any positions.
The meeting was adjourned at 8:08pm.