Cunningham Park Elementary School
PTA Meeting Agenda
Tuesday, March 12, 2019
Welcome, Meeting call to order
Approval of Minutes
Presentation of Nominating Committee (Cathy Carlin, Stacey Leimbach, Taylor Ritter)
Committee updates
Auction (Gina Myers)
Principal Comments (Katie Le, Principal)
Teacher Representative Comments (TBA)
Bullying presentation (Alicia Clarke, FCPS Student Safety & Wellness Office)
Child Care and Dinner – Thank you to Girl Scout Troop #2206 for providing child care and to Vienna Baptist Church for providing dinner to our children this evening.
PTA Dues – NOTICE: National PTA will be voting on a membership dues increase during the summer of 2019 from $2.25 per member to $3.75 per member. National PTA dues are remitted on a member-by-member basis to National PTA via Virginia PTA by CPES PTA each fall. As a result, CPES PTA will be voting on 2019/2020 dues increase commensurate to the National PTA increase at our May 14, 2019, PTA meeting.
Nominating Committee – If you are interested in serving on the 2019/2020 CPES PTA Board, or volunteering to lead or serve on a committee, please reach out to Tracy McCarty at and any member of the Nominating Committee
- Cathy Carlin –
- Stacey Leimbach –
- Taylor Ritter –
A candidate slate will be presented at the April 9, 2019, PTA meeting and voted on at the May 14, 2019, PTA meeting.
Love Lines - CPES parents can purchase "Love Lines", a brief note (25 words or less) of encouragement, praise, or congratulations to their student that will appear in the yearbook. To purchase a "Love Line" for your student(s) for $5, please go to All "Love Lines" must be purchased by this Monday, March 18th.
Rising Kindergarteners – If you know anyone who has a rising kindergartener, please encourage them to attend Kindergarten Orientation on Friday, April 5th at 10:00 a.m., like the PTA Facebook Page and to join the CPES Class of 2023 Facebook Group. If you haven’t joined the Group for you child’s grade, please do! See Tracy or Stephanie for more info on how to join.